My Journey

 The three most powerful concept takeaways from my CEP 811 journey are learning through failure, the power of iteration, the Intersectionality’s impact on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). These ideas will definitely shape my approach to teaching in the future. To demonstrate my learning, I created a job search and interview preparation protocol that leverages the power of AI via use of the INDEED job platform and ChatGPT. This isn't just a fun, engaging project for students to work on. This project will provide the necessary tools for my students to achieve their main goal of securing gainful employment in the local community.  

FAILURE - A Learning Tool

One of the most transformative ideas I encountered in the course was that failure is not a setback but a crucial step in the learning process. It’s ironic that I’ve lived by a similar motto during my time (20+ years) as a girls high school basketball coach. Mainly, “we never lose, we learn so that we’re playing our best basketball by the end of the season just in time for the playoffs”. The overall process is much more important than some of the initial outcomes. Students, whether or not having a disability, can improve their interviewing skills simply by participating in a significant number of interview sessions (mock interviews or real life). It’s not uncommon for job seekers to interview with multiple employers before finding the right job fit and securing a job offer. Emphasizing one correct answer to an interview question or search path can discourage students from taking risks and exploring new opportunities. I wanted to shift this mindset by creating an environment where failure is encouraged as part of the learning journey.

The AI Job Search Protocol was designed with this in mind. Initially students work in groups and are presented with challenging interview questions, each of which must be appropriately addressed in order to progress to the next question. Students can choose their response approaches and will need to fail to try new responses until they arrive at appropriate answers. The nature of AI mock interviews means that students will likely encounter obstacles and make mistakes. However, instead of viewing these as failures, they’re opportunities to try again, think critically, and apply different strategies to interview questions that will enable them to excel during real-life interview sessions.

ITERATION - The Key to Mastery

The concept of iteration is revising and refining a work product based upon feedback and reflection. I realized that iteration is not just for students but also educators. The entire CEP 811 course is based on iteration and improving one’s work product.

In designing the AI-based job search and interview preparation protocol, I went through several iterations and changed several aspects based upon peer feedback. Students participating in this protocol will have unlimited attempts to reach appropriate answers to typical interview questions based upon real-life job openings. Furthermore, students receive immediate, tailored feedback from ChatGPT on their responses, helping them identify areas for improvement. By simulating real interview scenarios, ChatGPT allows students to practice in a safe, non-judgmental environment, boosting their confidence. This iterative process deepened my understanding of how to create effective learning experiences.

INTERSECTIONALITY & UDL - Reaching Every Learner

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) emphasizes creating learning environments that are accessible and effective for all students, regardless of their individual needs or learning styles. Intersectionality examines how multiple systems of oppression interact to create distinct experiences for people. It's based on the idea that people have many identities and can experience both oppression and privilege at the same time. I strived to keep UDL and Intersectionality principles in mind when creating the AI-based job search and interview preparation protocol. I wanted to ensure that every student, regardless of intellect level, learning style or personal background, could benefit from this job preparation activity. Students have the ability to take different problem-solving approaches, both individually and in groups to have additional support. When students provide a response that is non-optimal, they receive encouraging feedback with hints for improvement. These components not only help to make the protocol more inclusive but also aligned with the UDL goal of providing multiple pathways to learning.

Reflecting on this Journey

Creating the AI-based job search and interview preparation protocol was an innovative, interactive application of the theories and practices learned in CEP 811. It taught me the importance of embracing failure, the power of iteration, and the need to design with every learner in mind. I am very confident that this protocol will create a positive impact in my classroom and others by fostering an inclusive and engaging learning environment.


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